Many organisations and synagogues have expressed interest in having a centralised bureau that will allow them to find orthodox women who are qualified to speak at events or on panels. JOFA Australia hopes that by creating this resource we will multiply the opportunities available for orthodox women in communities across Australia. The women on the JOFA Australia public speaker bureau have all indicated that they are happy to speak publicly on the topics listed under their bios.
Australia has shown itself to be ready for greater women’s involvement in all Orthodox areas of life with many women seeking to participate in public learning opportunities and teaching Torah in both formal and informal settings.
JOFA Australia strongly believes that women should be paid for their time. If you or your organisation are in a position to provide remuneration, we highly encourage you to offer payment to any woman that you engage for public speaking opportunities. The exact rate can be negotiated with the woman directly. If you would like to get in touch with any of the women listed on this bureau to see if they are interested in a public speaking opportunity, please contact JOFA Australia on and we will put you in touch.